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[어드벤처]셜록홈즈 악마의 딸(Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter – CPY)

익명사용자 0
10,896 2017.03.01 09:25


– Release name (Crack by): Sherlock.Holmes.The.Devils.Daughter-CPY
– NFO : read
– Format : iso
– Platform : PC
– Language : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Czech, Simplified Chinese , Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean
– System Requirements : MINIMUM:
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit / Windows 8.1 64 Bit / Windows 10 64 Bit
Processor: INTEL Core i3 3.6GHz / AMD FX Series 4.2GHz Quad-Core
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB 100% DirectX 11 compatible AMD Radeon HD 7790 / NVIDIA GeForce 460 GTX
DirectX: Version 11

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter is a fantastic adventure with unique gameplay that blends investigation, action and exploration for an extraordinary experience that will test the limits of your nerves and intelligence.
Track down evil in the darkest corners of London and the human soul while playing as the great detective, as you untangle a web of intrigue leading to the final stunning revelation.
Each of your deductions and actions affects the rest of the story, for better or for worse…
(당신의 추리와 액션은 뒤따르는 스토리에 영향을 미칩니다, 좋건 나쁘건간에...)
Play as Sherlock Holmes and use his extraordinary abilities to progress through the adventure.
Freely explore several of the city’s neighbourhoods in search of clues and suspects.
Interrogations, combat, chases, infiltration… discover a game that is unlike any other!


- Burn or mount the image(이미지 삽입)
- Install the game(게임 설치)
- Copy the crack(크랙 복사해서 덮어씌우기)
- Enjoy

메타크리틱스 평균 65점입니다.
메타 크리틱스에 나온 평을 읊어보자면

'기존 팬이 만족할만큼 보수적이면서도 젊은 세대를 끌어들일 요소가 있다. 액션을 뭐하러 넣었는지 모르겠다. 퍼즐때메 빡친다. 미니게임이 생각보다 괜찮기도 하다. 케릭터성이 아쉽다. 엔딩은 괜찮은 편이지만 작품의 잠재성에 비하면 역시 아쉽다. 3개 사건은 좀 약하고, 1개는 괜찮고, 피날레는 밋밋해서 전작보다 퇴보된듯 하다.'

언어는 cpy.ini 파일의 language 부분을 Language=koreana 로 수정하시고나서(코리안 아닙니다 코리아나입니다),
게임실행 바로가기를 수정해주셔야합니다.

c드라이브 기본 경로 기준으로
"C:Program Files (x86)Sherlock Holmes - The Devil's DaughterBinariesWin64Sherlock.exe" -NOSCREENMESSAGES -SEEKFREELOADINGPCCONSOLE

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