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[어드벤처][업데이트] 캔들 업데이트 Candle.Update.v1.1.06-CODEX

7,223 2016.12.17 18:33


[업데이트] 캔들 업데이트 Candle.Update.v1.1.06-CODEX 





- 업데이트 내역

한 줄 요약 : 매우 많은 버그 수정

Update v1.1.06:
-Tweaked the official mapping for the Steam Controller
-Small fix to German texts in the tutorial area
-Fixed candle turning off when transtitioning to the moss altar area for some users (with very low performance)
-Fixed a bug in which Teku could get stuck after picking the cultist canteen if he was previously hiding in the vase of the cellar
-Fixed a bug in which Teku could hang infinitely from the lever that calls the Collector
-Fixed a bug in which Teku would walk infinitely towards the Collector under the giant tree roots
-Fixed a bug in which Teku would walk infinitely towards the pot lid inside the cellar of monkey town if the crate was inbounds
-Fixed rare bug that made the ground collider around the collector disappear
-Fixed a bug that could make Teku keep the decoy doll after rescuing the Musician
-Fixed a bug that could lead a Wakcha in the swamp to run infinitely towards a ledge
-Fixed a bug that allowed Teku to walk away the Collector and still keep the dialogue open
-Fixed a bug that could stop Teku forever while interacting with the Toad King. Hungry king will now always eat little Teku
-Fixed a very minor bug that allowed the player to trigger an old narrator comment about the baby monkey after delivering it to its mother
-The underwater oyster in the cave now properly blocks the player movement
-Tweaked how some ledge masks work in the temple
-Tweaked how the cave geysers start playing every time a checkpoint is loaded (no delay now)
-Teku now can use a save spot if a Wakcha is chasing him
-If Teku kills the first Wakcha near the pond in 1-2 using the dart, the second one will now always catch him before he leaves (no art already used? blocker anymore)
-Story-related Achievements will now always trigger correctly

Update v1.1.01:
-Overall sound overhaul (general mix, extra sounds added)
-Added 720p credits video for the Low Quality Video setting
-General RNG tweaks (jumping monkey, mother bird, mad man)
-Fixed a bug in which Teku could get stuck at the cultists dance if the player pressed action? repeteadly
-Fixed a bug in which Teku could get stuck if climbing to a water lilly in a very specific way
-Fixed a bug in which Teku could get stuck if alerting the temple cultists if timed correctly
-Fixed particles culling errors
-Loading when exiting if Teku was near a saveSpot blocking bug fixed
-Teku can now get stuck after picking the cave broken lever
-Teku in stealth state now moves with normalized speed
-Added dripping honey animation to the honeycomb when Teku picks the honey using the jar
-Added support for 4K screens to the context-sensitive icons
-Added extra blue fire particles to Act 2
-Added GOG Galaxy support, with achievements
-Fixed all Windows 10 mapping errors for the XOne controller
-Many input fixes for popular controllers
-Added light support for the DualShock 4
-Added full support for Steam Controller

게임이 설치되어 있어야 합니다. (무설치 버전 가능)

- 패치 방식의 업데이트 입니다. (기존 파일 검사 후 수정하는 방식)

- 설치가 안 될 경우 게임 파일에 문제가 있는 것이니 게임을 다시 다운로드 후 설치 하시면 됩니다.

- 설치 방법
1. 압축파일 해제
2. Update 폴더의 Setup.exe 파일을 실행해 설치되어 있는 폴더에 설치
3. CODEX 폴더의 파일들을 설치되어 있는 폴더에 복사 및 덮어쓰기

- 한국어로 설정하는 방법
1. steam_emu.ini 파일을 메모장으로 열기
2. "Language=english" 부분을 찾아 "Language=koreana" 으로 수정 및 저장

3. Candle_Data\Plugins 폴더의 steam_emu.ini 파일도 동일하게 수정 




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