Connection failed2(Search): SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused Lucky Patcher 6.5.0 > 모바일 | 토렌트하자
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[어플]Lucky Patcher 6.5.0

익명 0
2,446 2019.01.05 17:00



Lucky Patcher  is an amazing android application which lets you remove ads, break different apps’ Android Market License Confirmation or other Confirmations for the applications. The app has been developed by Developer Chelpus. Lucky Patcher application plays a major role for rooted android device Lucky Patcher is quite stable and a superb app. However, there is no 100% guarantee of this app because it sometimes cause issues to your mobile device such as restarting loop, unstable system, etc. This app is available on the Google App Store for free. Through this app, you can easily remove the Google adds which sometimes become too irritating and annoying.

(1): Install Normally
(5): Enjoy :)

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